You can use Storage Manager to create, edit, and delete quotas.
Creating quotas
Quotas enable you to restrict or track the disk space and number of files that are used by a user, group, or qtree. You can use the Add Quota wizard in Storage Manager to create a quota and to apply the quota to a specific volume or qtree.
Deleting quotas
You can use Storage Manager to delete one or more quotas when your users and their storage requirements and limitations change.
Editing quota limits
You can use Storage Manager to edit the disk space threshold, the hard limit and soft limit on the amount of disk space that the quota target can use, and the hard limit and soft limit on the number of files that the quota target can own.
Types of quotas
Quotas can be classified on the basis of the targets to which they are applied.
Quota limits
You can apply a disk space limit or limit the number of files for each quota type. If you do not specify a limit for a quota, none is applied.
Quota management Storage Manager includes several features that help you to create, edit, or delete quotas. You can create a user, group, or tree quota and you can specify quota limits at the disk and file levels. All quotas are established on a per-volume basis.