Creating cluster peer relationships

You can create an authenticated cluster peer relationship to connect clusters so that the clusters in the peer relationship can communicate securely with each other.

Before you begin

About this task

  1. Click Protection > Overview.
  2. Check whether there are network interfaces listed under Intercluster Settings.

    If there are no network interfaces listed under Intercluster Settings, go to setting up Intercluster LIFs.

  3. Go to Cluster Peers.
  4. Select Peer Cluster.
  5. Specify a user-defined passphrase or a system-generated passphrase and at least one intercluster LIF.
  6. Repeat steps 1 to 5 for the second cluster.
  7. Click Initiate Cluster Peering.

After you finish

You should specify the SVM details in the SVM Peering window to continue with the peering process.