You can use Storage Manager to create aggregates to support the different
security requirements, backup requirements, performance requirements,
and data sharing requirements of your users.
Renaming a Storage Tier
You can use Storage Manager to rename an existing storage tier after it has been created.
Deleting aggregates
You can use Storage Manager to delete aggregates when you no longer require the data in the aggregates. However, you cannot delete the root aggregate because it contains the root volume, which contains the system configuration information.
Moving FlexVol volumes
You can nondisruptively move a FlexVol volume to a different aggregate or a different node for capacity utilization and improved performance by using Storage Manager.
Viewing aggregate information
You can use the Aggregates window in Storage Manager to view the name, status, and space information about an aggregate.
How moving a FlexVol volume works
Knowing how moving a FlexVol volume works helps you to determine whether the volume move satisfies service-level agreements and to understand where a volume move is in the volume move process.
How you can use effective ONTAP disk type for mixing HDDs
Starting with Data ONTAP 9.5, certain ONTAP disk types are considered equivalent for the purposes of creating and adding to aggregates, and managing spares. ONTAP assigns an effective disk type for each disk type. You can mix HDDs that have the same effective disk type.
What compatible spare disks are
In Storage Manager, compatible spare disks are disks that match the properties of other disks in the aggregate. When you want to increase the size of an existing aggregate by adding HDDs (capacity disks) or change the RAID type of an aggregate from RAID4 to RAID-DP, the aggregate must contain sufficient compatible spare disks.
How Storage Manager works with hot spares
A hot spare is a disk that is assigned to a storage system but not used by any RAID group. Hot spares do not contain any data and are assigned to a RAID group when a disk failure occurs in the RAID group. Storage Manager uses the largest disk as the hot spare.
Rules for displaying disk types and disk RPM
When you are creating an aggregate and adding capacity disks to an aggregate, you should understand the rules that apply when disk types and disk RPM are displayed.
What a FabricPool is
FabricPool is a hybrid storage solution that uses an all flash (all SSD) aggregate as the performance tier and an object store as the cloud tier. Data in a FabricPool is stored in a tier based on whether it is frequently accessed or not. Using a FabricPool helps you reduce storage cost without compromising performance, efficiency, or protection.
Storage recommendations for creating aggregates
Starting with Storage Manager 9.5, you can create aggregates based on storage recommendations. However, if your environment includes the following configurations, you must create aggregates manually using the CLI.