You can use Storage Manager to create, edit, and delete QoS policy groups.
Creating QoS policy groups
You can use Storage Manager to create storage Quality of Service (QoS) policy groups to limit the throughput of workloads and to monitor workload performance.
Managing workload performance by using Storage QoS
Storage Quality of Service (QoS) can help you manage risks around meeting your performance objectives. You can use Storage QoS to limit the throughput to workloads and to monitor workload performance. You can reactively limit workloads to address performance problems, and you can limit workloads to prevent performance problems.
How Storage QoS works
Storage QoS controls workloads that are assigned to policy groups by throttling and prioritizing client operations (SAN and NAS data requests) and system operations.
How the maximum throughput limit works
You can specify one service-level objective for a Storage QoS policy group: a maximum throughput limit. A maximum throughput limit, which you define in terms of IOPS, MBps, or both, specifies the throughput that the workloads in the policy group cannot collectively exceed.