You can use Storage Manager create, edit, and delete Qtrees.
You can use Storage Manager to create, edit, and delete quotas.
CIFS protocol
You can use Storage Manager to enable and configure CIFS servers to allow CIFS clients to access files on the cluster.
NFS protocol
You can use Storage Manager to authenticate NFS clients to access data on the SVM.
NVMe protocol
You can use Storage Manager to configure the NVMe protocol. The NVMe is a transport protocol that provides high speed access to flash-based network storage. Systems that use NVMe protocol have a subsystem consisting of specific NVME controllers, namespaces, nonvolatile storage medium, hosts, ports and interface between the controller and storage medium.
iSCSI protocol
You can use Storage Manager to configure the iSCSI protocol that enables you to transfer block data to hosts using SCSI protocol over TCP/IP.
FC/FCoE protocol
You can use Storage Manager to configure FC/FCoE protocols.
Export policies
You can use Storage Manager to create, edit, and manage export policies.
Efficiency policies
You can use Storage Manager to create, edit, and delete efficiency policies.
Protection policies
You can use Storage Manager to create, edit, and delete protection policies.
QoS policy groups
You can use Storage Manager to create, edit, and delete QoS policy groups.
LDAP client services
You can use Storage Manager to add, edit, and delete LDAP client configurations.