settings |
Domain(s) |
Enter the domain name of the LDAP
server. For multiple domains, enter the domains in a comma separated
list. The domain name is used in the login ( username
@ domain ) to specify which directory server to authenticate against.
Server URL |
Enter the URL for accessing the LDAP
server in the form of ldap[s]:// host : port
. |
Upload certificate (optional) |
Note: This field
appears only if an LDAPS protocol is specified in the Server URL field
Browse and select a CA certificate to upload. This is the trusted
certificate or certificate chain used for authenticating the LDAP
Bind account (optional) |
Enter a read-only user account for
search queries against the LDAP server and for searching within the
groups. Enter the account name in an LDAP-type format. For example,
if the bind user is called "bindacct," then you might enter a value
such as "CN=bindacct,CN=Users,DC=cpoc,DC=local." |
Bind password (optional) |
Note: This field
appears when you enter a bind account.
the password for the bind account. |
Test server connection before adding
Select this checkbox if you want
to make sure the system can communicate with the LDAP server configuration
you entered. The test occurs after you click Add at the bottom of
the dialog box. If this checkbox is selected
and the test fails, the configuration is not added. You must resolve
the error or de-select the checkbox to skip the testing and add the
settings |
Search base DN |
Enter the LDAP context to search
for users, typically in the form of CN=Users,
DC=copc, DC=local . |
Username attribute |
Enter the attribute that is bound
to the user ID for authentication. For example: sAMAccountName . |
Group attribute(s) |
Enter a list of group attributes
on the user, which is used for group-to-role mapping. For example:
memberOf, managedObjects . |